Almost ready for basement slab

The view is from the "front" of the house - up the hill -- looking into the basement. A bedroom will be where the sawhorses are. The black is the waterproofing. After final inspection of gravel placement tomorrow, the slab will be poured on Friday.

We start putting up the building next week. The sub-contractor has ordered a load of lumber to be delivered on Monday, so the "sticks" are going up right away.

We have water at the barn now. Cows have eaten down the back pasture and the bull walked through the fence to get to some grass in the garden site. Good thing we came along right after he got out. I had to put the cows back in the front pasture with the calves for them to have more grass. No rain for three weeks, so I will be out of grass in a few days if it doesn't rain. I am thinking that I need to sell some cows or calves next Thursday -- sale day.

The bare spot is where I moved some dirt in a low spot. The dirt in the background behind my pond is where Stephen is still spending money on his pond trying to get it to hold water.