Kitchen's first cleaning

Cheryl and I spent about 6 hours at the house site today cleaning up trash, burning wood scraps, cleaning up wet sawdust and water in the house (from the first rain since we started the house a month ago -- 1/2 inch), picking up nails (the sub-contractors waste a lot of material), and other cleanup work.

Hopefully, Cheryl will not have to use the shovel to clean her kitchen again. That's wet sawdust! The door to the left is the "front door" at the back of the house where we will later build the garage. You can just see the lower corner of the pantry in the upper right of the photo.

The view of the house is looking up under the deck (not the first level just above the windows--that's just scaffolding for building the deck). Remember the deck is about 13 feet from the ground.

Cheryl is also giving the great room its first vacuuming. She says that the contractors are going to think she is strange -- but there was sawdust and nails everywhere!