Larry's Tractor

Over two years ago, as we were driving back home from Mississippi, Larry spotted an old Farmall Cub tractor for sale on the side of the road. He had been wanting one for a long time since his grandfather had one just like it. We stopped and he bought it with the intention of restoring it. It's just been sitting around, first in the garage when we lived at Cherokee Lodge at WinShape, and then out in the open near the barn at Ton Tenga. Larry had really wanted to work on it himself, but that hadn't happened in two years and didn't look like it was going to happen anytime soon. Then a couple of months ago, he met a guy who restores tractors and decided to get him to work on it. Here's what the Cub looked like when he came to pick it up:

Now it's back home, and Larry is the proud owner of a beautifully restored momento of another Cox farm in Mississippi two generations ago. ckc