Lessons from the Farm

A while back, Larry bought four new goats to live at Ton Tenga. They are pretty little brown goats -- very sweet and gentle, but not very intelligent. You know the old saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"? Well, these little goats just cannot resist the grass that is out of their reach, and they very frequently end up like this:

They can easily get their heads through the fence, but then they're stuck because of their horns, and they make a lot of noise to let us know that they're stuck. Larry got tired of wrestling with them to get them unstuck, so he came up with a solution using a piece of PVC and some wire. They look so strange that the kids started calling them "alien goats".

So, the lesson from the farm (and the goats) -- to be content with what I have, where I am, and resist the temptation of that greener grass!
Philippians 4:11-13